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Looking Straight at Jesus: We're Home from South Korea

I’m writing this blog from my kitchen table, in my very own home, as I watch Evan nap on the oversized Ikea pillows on the floor. Pororo is quietly playing across the otherwise empty house and there is one word that sums up what the past few weeks have felt like…


When you see Evan’s smile, you see pure joy.

There have been times in my life when I have flat-out begged God for a boring life. I didn’t want to be set apart. I wanted to be normal. I wanted to be absolutely boring. Yet, God’s never granted me that, and I'm forever grateful!

From my wandering, can’t-pick-a-major college days to my learning-to-trust-God-completely mid-thirties, God has used my life in ways that I never could’ve dreamt up on my own. As you read this, I want to remind you that I’m no one special. I’ve just learned to live surrendered to God’s plan for my life.

Somewhere along the way, I learned to enjoy God’s journey for my life. Not that the journey to today hasn’t been hard, but it has been 100% worth it. I mean, I cannot believe that I just lived in South Korea for seven weeks, and I didn’t even cry to go home until our very last day there!!! I’m a homebody, and I did it!

And, if my son can leave the only home and country that he’s ever known and radiate pure joy, I can too.

God has been so good to Evan. I don’t even know why I’m surprised by his joy. He’s been prayed over for years already. His life has been set apart and redeemed by a God who loves him more than I ever could.

I know that I’ll have more to share in the days to come, but I want to share our JOY with you.

God worked miracles over the past few months. Our family walked through 25 negative covid tests, complete health (not even a sniffle!) that spanned months, and a one-day turnaround for adoption approval from a usually slow judge and we know it's because God was swinging those doors wide open.

Someday, I’ll write more about our story. In the meantime, you can check out the Don't Do It Yourself (DDIY) Podcast to hear about some of our time in South Korea and how our community has played a huge role in the joy we feel.

I’m learning that joy can come naturally when you’re staring straight at Jesus and walking in His calling.

The one who calls you is always faithful, and He longs for you to just look straight at Him and find joy.


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